Tuesday, February 9, 2010
IDRI - Thursday Mashup Sessions #2 @ Subsol
IDRI - Thursday Mashup Sessions #2 @ Subsol
[Ion Otetelesanu, nr. 3 (near ex-Embryo)]
Thursday 11 FEB 2010 / 11 pm / 10 lei
What else is there to get you going on a Thursday ?
Some of you may not be familiar with the sound of fresh new talent, IDRI.
Hailing from Arad, IDRI has been a busy bee blowing up dances on the underground dubstep scene for some time now.
He's gonna heat elements of funk, breaks and dnb around the glowing core of dubstep to create one of the lushest fusions in the scene !
Friday, January 29, 2010
IDRI - Thursday Mashup Sessions @ Subsol
IDRI - Thursday Mashup Sessions @ Subsol
[Ion Otetelesanu, nr. 3 (near ex-Embryo)]
Thursday 04 FEB 2010 / 11 pm / 10 lei
The day of the week when nothing counts! That's when you feel relaxed and you're looking for some fun.
We have just what you need.
Music, spinned by resident DJ Idri + Drinks + at least 3 people of both sexes :)
Recipe: funky, breaks, garage, dubstep, dnb, grime, bassline, house.
Hands up for the best day of the week!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
All Out Dubstep - Label Night @ Palatul Universul
AllOutDubstep Label Night, o seara ce va avea in prim plan scena dubstep din Stockholm, Suedia.
Sambata, 28 Noiembrie 2009 @ Palatul Universul, Bucuresti.
L-WIZ (Sweden)
labels: AllOutDubstep*Fabric*DubPolice*Redvolume*Baredubs*Sonicboom*DubThiefs
IRK (Sweden)
labels: AllOutDubstep
Daddy Africa (RO) of Bread&Butter
labels: HighDefinition
22:00 - 23:45 Daddy Africa
23:45 - 01:30 IDRI
01:30 - 03:30 L-WIZ
03:30 - 04:30 IRK
04:30 - end IDRI
Intrare 30 RON all night.
L-WIZ (Sweden)
labels: AllOutDubstep, Fabric, DubPolice, Redvolume, Baredubs, Destructive Recordings, Sonicboom, DubThiefs
Recunoscut ca fiind cel mai iubit producator/DJ suedez, L-WIZ este piesa de rezistenta a serii.
A debutat ca producer in 2006 la celebrul label din UK, Dub Police, iar in 2007, piesa “Girl From Codeine City”
a fost inclusa de Caspa si Rusko, pe celebra compilatie “Fabric 37″, reusind astfel sa atraga atentia tuturor
iubitorilor de dubstep. In prezent, impreuna cu alti DJ si producatori din Suedia a format label-ul
“All Out Dubstep”, sub care momentat isi desfasoara activitatea. Ultimul release pe acest label: piesele
“Mexter Dorgan/Cape Fear”, bucurandu-se de un adevarat succes.
IRK (Sweden)
labels: AOD
IRK reprezinta cealalta parte a label-ului “All Out Dubstep”.
Daddy Africa (RO) of Bread&Butter
Pasiunea pentru muzica pe suport analog a dat nastere proiectului Bread&Butter in vara anului 2007
cand Hieroglipha si Daddy Africa s-au intalnit si s-au decis “sa-si faca formatie”.
Acum invart cu pasiune si dedicatie rotile de fier lasand sa iasa prin difuzare muzica proaspata
de pe toate continentele. Painea cu unt se asezoneaza dupa gust cu jazz, si funk iar de aceasta
data cu mult DUB. Daddy Africa scotand la interval basul si frecventele joase.
labels: HighDefinition
Producer/DJ de dubstep din Bucuresti. S-a remarcat pentru inceput cu piesele sale in emisiunea “Fob Show” a lui
BunZer0 de la radio SubFM, Belgia. A urmat release-ul piesei “Midnight Cafe” pe label-ul High Definition impreuna
cu Grimelock. Mai multe veti auzi de la el in viitorul apropiat.